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Consignment Terms & Conditions

Got Some Items You'd Like To Sell? ...then you've come to the right place. Calgary Saddlery would be pleased to accept your new, like new or lightly loved, (English Only) high-end used items for consignment.

Items may be dropped off at the store during opening hours, **no appointments necessary**.

Don't live in Calgary? And have multiple high end pieces to consign? Please contact us, we'd be pleased to cover shipping costs for qualified shipments.

We Accept:

  • Saddles (less then 10 years old, unless in excellent condition)
  • Bridles, Martingales, Reins, etc...
  • Brand New Blankets
  • Bits
  • Horse Boots
  • Show Clothing
  • Schooling Breeches
  • Vests, Jackets, etc.

We Don't Accept:

  • Used Blankets
  • Helmets (even if new)
  • Dirty/Ripped Items
  • Riding Boots (unless new)
  • Buckets
  • Brushes
  • Whips
  • Grooming/Shampoo's/Fly Sprays
  • Wool show coats
  • No Shedrow/Aerion/Elation

Your items receive a boutique display in store, along with online exposure on our website and social media. Consignee's will be notified of any items sold end of every month. E-transfer payouts are available for out of town consignee's.

We're Looking Forward To Hearing From You!

1) General Consignment Information                                                                                                    

a) Calgary Saddlery accepts quality English tack and apparel in new or like new condition only. Calgary Saddlery reserves the right to refuse items based on quality. Items must be clean.

b) All items are received under the condition that the Consignor has full and clear ownership of all consigned items.

c) All items sold of the Consignor’s behalf are sold AS IS, with no warranty implied or perceived on behalf of the Consignor by Calgary Saddlery, its owners, employees, servants or agents. Until sold, donated or otherwise stated, the title for all items remains in the name of the Consignor.

d) Calgary Saddlery retains the right to: 1) return items for any reason, at any time and 2) contact law enforcement without further notice regarding any items consigned.

e) The Consignor grants permission to Calgary Saddlery to use images of any items and to remove such items for the purposes of marketing.

f) Calgary Saddlery will notify the Consignor(s) when their item(s) has sold. The Consignor then has sixty (60) days to collect payment.

g) All item(s) are listed and sold in CAD dollars; all payments are only made in CAD dollars.

2) Consignment Fees (applies to sold items)                                                                                              

a) Items priced:

$500 and under – twenty five percent (25%)

$501 and above – twenty percent (20%)

b) Calgary Saddlery reserves the right to add &/or adjust fees as necessary.

c) A handling fee of ten percent (10%) of the items list price will be charged for items requested for pick up prior to thirty (30) days from date inventoried.

3) Pricing, Selling of Goods, Offers                                                                                                          

a) Pricing is determined by Calgary Saddlery and may be progressively reduced until sold. The Consignor may request a specific price; for a maximum of 1 month (30) days, at which time price reductions may occur at Calgary Saddleries discretion.

b) During the first three (3) months offers that are presented to the Consignor require a response within 24 hours; at which point if no response has been received from the Consignor, Calgary Saddlery reserves the right to reduce the current sale price to no lower than such offer and complete the sale. After the first three (3) months Calgary Saddlery has the right to accept reasonable offers on behalf of the Consignor*.

*Except for saddles, in which case all offers will always be run by the owner; a Consignor response is required with 24hours. If no response is received, Calgary Saddlery can accept any reasonable offers.

4) Consignment Period                                                                                                                            

a) Items are consigned for a minimum of thirty (30) days from the date inventoried (within one (1) week of items being received).

b) Items picked up by the consignor prior to 30 days will be subject to a handling fee, see “consignment fees”.

c) The consignment period is deemed over (ended) when the item(s) has sold, the consignor has requested the item(s) back and/or Calgary Saddlery has requested the item(s) be picked up (see pick up period below).

d) Calgary Saddlery may request the item(s) be collected at any time, without reason.

5) Pick Up Period                                                                                                                                      

a) 24 hours’ notice is required by phone or email prior to picking up the Consignors item(s).

b) Items requested for Pick Up at any time during the Consignment Period, either by the Consignor or Calgary Saddlery, will be held of a maximum of twenty one (21) days. Items not picked up with twenty one (21) days become the property of Calgary Saddlery with no further obligation to sell for or return to the Consignor.

c) Shipping is available; a handling fee, shipping costs and insurance are payable in advance by consignor.

6) Consignment Payments                                                                                                            

a) The final sale price of any items sold, less the Fees listed above (“Consignment Fees”) is payable only to the Consignor(s) named above, a minimum of seven (7) days after the sale date, or at Calgary Saddleries discretion, to allow for payment completions and possible returns.

b) Payments are made solely at the Consignor’s request (including end of “Consignment Period” payouts) and payable at Calgary Saddleries discretion in the form of cash, cheque or store credit.

c) Payments that are requested to be mailed will be processed on the next available monthly mailing cycle.

d) Payments that are not arranged for, picked up or processed within sixty (60) days of the end of the Consignment Period or sale date, shall be considered abandoned by the Consignor and become the property of the Calgary Saddlery with no further obligation to deliver the Payment.

e) Calgary Saddlery will NOT write cheques for under one hundred dollars ($100). If the Consignors consignment payment after fees is under one hundred dollars ($100), it will be issued as store credit.

f) Store credit is valid for one (1) year from the final item sale date.

g) Payment are issued in CAD funds only.

h) The Consignor must request payment, no less then 48 hours prior to coming into the store, to ensure payment is ready to be collected.  

7) Consignor Responsibility, Risk and General Liability                                                                      

a) It is the Consignor’s responsibility to confirm sales, payment, pick up items when requested, and ensure Calgary Saddlery has current contact information.

b) All items are left entirely at the Consignors risk. Calgary Saddlery, its owners, employees, servants and agents will not be held responsible for loss due to theft, accidental damage or fire. Calgary Saddlery will use reasonable conventional safeguards in the handling, storing and displaying of all goods.

Any question, please give us a shout!